Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Break part 2

When we signed up for our SHAPE Trips and Tours vacation to Lloret de Mar, Spain, there were 3 excursions on the list. 1. Marineland (discussed) 2. Medieval Dinner Theater and 3. Day trip to Barcelona.
Now, with a 4 year old in tow, and having read my last post, you can probably guess which one we thought would be most exiting for our son. Knights, horses, jousting and eating dinner with your hands?!? What's not to love? Well, let me tell you

Our guides from SHAPE had worked with a tour company in the Costa Brava region to get everything just so. The guides already weren't overjoyed with the Marineland experience. We had to go up from there, really. Again, the private showings of the animal shows were nice, but.....we could do better.

So, we all board the bus at 1945, that's right, 7:45pm, to drive over to the Medieval Dinner Theater. It's a beautiful night and we only took one wrong turn on the way there.  (previous issues with directions and the Dutch drivers) We pull up to the castle, and, oddly, we're the only buses there. No, make that the only vehicles there. The show is to start in 30 minutes and no one is parked out front or on the sides. Perhaps another private viewing and all the performers are parked in back? Strangely, the sign in front now shows that there is also a cabaret show. Fun, but probably not family friendly.

Pictures are taken by the moat, and the front doors and the shields. Our son and his bestie had matching knight costumes, a birthday gift special for the trip to the Medieval Dinner Theater. We are ready for those door to open. Phone calls are made and someone shows up from the same company as the MDT and says we're in the wrong spot. No big deal, we'll load the buses at 2045 and follow the car to the right spot.

We pull up to what only looks like a scene from a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western and the wall says, La Siesta. Fake torches, old carriages, waterfall.....hmmm....  We are let in and seated at family style table and listen to a blond singer, that has entranced my son while we all try and figure out where the sword play and jousting will happen.

Quick back story: Earlier in the week, while perusing the Lloret magazine, I come upon an ad for World's Fastest Flamenco and IN JEST asked my husband if he'd be interested in that. "H#!! No," was the response I received.

Dinner is served, thank goodness, sangria was served and the show began. The blond was the warm up singer, followed by a thick set man with a thick head of hair singing in a decent tenor voice. CDs for 15 Euro were available. Then came the dancers. Warm up dancers before the main man came on stage and the place went wild. Not even kidding, wild. I knew immediately who this man was, I had seen his picture in the Lloret magazine, it was The World's Fastest Flamenco, or Ted Nugent's Spanish Brother, as he was to be called for the rest of the evening.

Now, I understand that there are many things that I'm not mature enough for, example, birthing classes. I, apparently, am not mature enough to take in The World's Fastest Flamenco and appreciate it for what it is. I'm just not. I accept it. Please, I dare you, check out this website and tell me that you are. There were tight white pants, flaming feet of fury, long hair flinging, and sweat flying everywhere. It really was just too much. Many in attendance at my table were happy for the free flowing, free refills of sangria. The same group was happy for children too darn tired to understand that we didn't get to see swords and horses and were almost asleep for most of the show.

All in all, it wasn't a horrible night. We took it the best we could. It was absolutely not our guide's fault that the MDT wasn't in season yet and so they rebooked us at their will and to keep our money at their other show, La Siesta. Culturally, it was a hit, a huge hit. Most of the other tables were on their feet, loving every minute of it. A few tables were ordering more sangria and staring blankly at the stage, I  assume they used the same Costa Brava tour company and were suppose to be at the Medieval Dinner Theater as well.

In case you're interested, you can buy DVDs for the show, 15 EU.

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