Sunday, July 31, 2011

Aahhh, sunshine

It is a beautiful Sunday here in Belgium, the sun is shining, the wind is easy and the temperature is above 70 degrees. My community of approximately 120 people, max, has been out in force. This morning, a women's cycling club rode past, laughing and chatting. Later, several of the older couples were out walking their dogs. This afternoon and evening have brought out everyone in town. We live just a quarter mile outside of town on a small road, and it is popular with the local ramblers. (we hear they ramble instead of walk or hike)
It isn't a typical summer day like we have in Nebraska, it isn't hot and the sun doesn't make you feel like the skin cancer cells are multiplying as you walk to your car. It's more of an Indian Summer type of feel. We have had a week of cold, rainy, fall like weather and now it is nice and sunny. It won't stay like this for long, but when it's nice, everyone gets out and enjoys it.
The sunshine itself also feels and looks different. It's almost a golden glow, like in the fall or towards dusk. It's just beautiful, and we took every advantage of it today. T-ball, digging for worms, flinging pears over the fence and hitting them off the tee, are just a few of the activities we got in today in our perfect, Belgian summer.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Getting involved

Apparently, I'm just too busy when I'm in the States to get involved in anything. Here, at least at this post, it seems like everyone is involved with something. Next week, the chapel on post begins their VBS program and I'll be volunteering in the craft center. (I know....crafts?!?) I've volunteered at VBS before at previous churches, but I really like the chairwoman and figured it would be a good way to meet more people.
My son has been participating in the reading program this summer and just had his final party. The swag bag was awesome and they had a bounce house to play in! It was great to have a place to go every week for him, about him. We didn't do the reading program when last summer in Texas because....I don't know why. No reason, was I that busy.?
My daughter has recently been going to the youth group that meets every Wednesday night. She has loved it and they gave her a really cool bible for her last meeting with them. Awesome. She will be able to make great friends through the program. If we were in the States, would she be so involved?
Later in August, I'll be doing something that I knew I would enjoy, but would never do if I were in the States, I'm joining the International Choir on post. I'm very excited and can't wait to have something special to do. I'd be too busy shopping or watching TV if we were at a Stateside post. I'm not a great singer, by any means, but I liked choir in high school and thought this would be an easy and enjoyable way to meet people and do something special for myself.
I'll keep you posted about how that goes.....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sticking out

Our French instructor has told us every day just how badly Americans stick out in Belgium and Europe as a whole. We are big and abrupt and pushy. We even walk pushy she says, a swagger or something like that.
The most obvious difference that I've noticed is our clothing. Americans, especially men, wear baggier clothing than European men. Not sagging, though there is that difference, but the cut of the pants is different. Their jeans are tight, often leaving little to the imagination. The shirts are tighter, more form fitting and in colors that American men are only beginning to wear, lots of pinks and purples, light turquoise blue, etc. Then the shoes are different. I haven't seen a European man yet wearing his running shoes when he's out in town. If they do wear casual shoes, they're thinner and sleeker, or a soccer shoe. Clothing, as a whole, is tighter. There is only one known pool or water park that the men are allowed to wear baggy, American style trunks. As our instructor said, they like to see if you're circumcised or not. (this said on the day that the minor wasn't present) And if you are, then you must be American.
I am anxious to get to Germany after all this talk of Americans being big and swagger. I think my husband looks quite German, shoulders, nose, chin and all. And I have a hard time thinking that those large German men don't swagger.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Learning French....said with gurgling sounds on the R

My husband and I were able to begin a crash course in French today.'s hard. The teacher is a young woman who is a native Belgian and speaks very good English. She was fairly patient, if a little snooty, which I've come to expect from French speakers. We had a good time and are looking forward to the rest of the week.
Today we covered numbers, holidays, days of the week and basic greetings. I think we did as good as anyone else in the class. The gurgling sounds that are made with the R sounds are the most difficult thing right now. That and the odd rule about feminine and masculine nouns and the endings that are dropped or added to the next word or something.....  We'll get it, we have 3 years.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Shopping in July

Apparently, sales only happen in July and January in Belgium. "Soldes" has become our daughter's favorite word and she's found some very cute things since we've been here.
Our first shopping experience in Belgium was at a place the Army Community Services lady took us to in Brussels. It was quite a shady place, complete with a bouncer-type person standing guard over the doors. The Warehouse, was exactly that, a huge warehouse jammed with floor after floor and row after row of clothes, men, women and children. Right away she found a leather jacket for only 15 Euro! Things only got better. We did shop with haste, for fear that the men standing close to, but not out on, the fire escape might set the place ablaze.  And my husband was really not impressed, he and our son walked in and right back out. We left feeling like we robbed a candy store, it was awesome.
Today's shopping was almost as good. We got to shop, just us girls for 4 whole hours. The H&M had great "soldes" and again, my daughter found some great pieces. She really has a good eye for putting things together, even if her favorite color is gray and all three tops she bought were gray. She keeps it simple. I was able to find some more leggings and a dress to go over them for a whopping 8 Euro.
That leads me to my favorite thing about how the women here dress. My absolute favorite thing is that they wear leggings under their dresses and skirts. Tan or pale, thin or thick, flats or heels, they are wearing leggings. I love it! I have 2 pair already, and if I find some with spanx material in them, I'll be the happiest woman in Belgium. I don't care if they cost a day off my life!
Today was great, we were both happy with our "soldes" purchases and wonder if there's time for us to hit the stores one more time before she has to leave for the states.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Nebraska girl in Belgium

I've recently moved to Belgium with my family and military spouse. We're living outside a very small community with sugar beets, potatoes and cows as our nearest neighbors. The weather is going to take some getting use to, as are the drivers, but I think I'm going to love it here.
I'm starting this blog to have an easy way to share my experiences, good and bad, with my family and friends back home.