Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today is a beautiful spring day! It's about 56 degrees Fahrenheit outside, the sun is shining and there is all sorts of stuff to do today.
Currently, we have a classic car race speeding past our house. There are all sorts of cars, from Model T looking, to vintage Porches and a few that look like old VW rabbits and even a WWII Jeep. Some have roll bars inside them, some have multiple lights mounted to the grill. It's been fun to watch them speed past. Many of them have waved at us and given us quizzical looks as to which way to turn up at the corner. With my limited French, I could make out that some of the cars belong to a classic car club from Brussels. This is the second time since we've been in the house that there has been a road race go past the house. I'm amazed that anyone can even find our house, let alone have a car race go past it not once, but twice.
There have been a few groups of cyclists ride past as well. The opposite way as the cars, so that's good. You can tell that the drivers aren't excited to slow down for the cyclists, but you know the cyclists aren't going to ride single file in Belgium, it's just not their way. (or wear helmets)
We have our friend's dog, Miss Mo, for a few days, so we took advantage of the beautiful weather and took her for a hike around the woods behind our house. My son was excited to be outside, after some "encouragement" to get away from the fabulous AFN Sunday morning cartoons. My husband took the camera and got some nice pictures of the wild snowdrops and daffodils that are blooming in the undergrowth. Miss Mo got to go off leash and roll in some stinky stuff and get some exercise. We got to jump puddles and enjoy the sun and fresh air. We got to walk past the dairy barns and see the new lamb in the pasture on the corner. It's just been a wonderful morning so far.
This evening, we were invited over to a cookout. Now, I don't want to be too hopeful, but I feel pretty positive that the weather is going to hold out for us. This will be the perfect way to end this lovely spring day.

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