Sunday, July 29, 2012

Great People/Great Food

We have been so lucky to have met some fabulous people since we've been at SHAPE. We've had people over to the house, gone to other's homes and even went out in public with our crazy child. My husband had to comment, "Why didn't we do this when we lived in Texas?" We did have friends in Texas, to be honest, we went out more with my friends. I'm pretty sure that was because when my husband had to live with his friends for a year at a time, when they got back to Texas from Iraq, they needed a break from each other.
When we were in Texas, we went out to eat with friends instead of having them to the house. Dinner was so much easier because the house didn't need to be cleaned because we were going out. We didn't have to clean up after dinner and dinner could be a quick affair because in the states, you're not hanging around the restaurant after your plates are taken.
Here in Belgium, dinner is easily a two hour commitment if you go out to eat. Refills are not free, sodas are from 8 ounce bottles and cost more than some beers. The waitstaff takes their time getting to you because they know that you're there to socialize as much as eat. After they come and take your order, be prepared to wait at least 30 minutes before your food comes, unless you order a starter, then you can wait longer for your entree.
You will have to flag down the waiter or go to the cash register to ask for your ticket. The staff will NOT bring you the check unless asked for because it is considered rude. They would be rushing you, and that just wouldn't happen, even to Americans. I think that the waitstaff thinks that we are rude if we don't order before dinner drinks, starters, entrees, desserts and after dinner drinks. Why are we in a rush? Isn't the food or restaurant to our liking?
Because of having a very active child that can't handle a 2 hour dinner in public, we have started to have people over almost once a week. Like I've said, we have met great people here, both my husband and I, and we have really started to like entertaining. NOT fancy entertaining, I'm not setting the table and serving the meal, but a nice buffet style dinner that is relaxing. Or we've grilled and sat outside in the few nice days we've had this summer.
We've made some new recipes and have gotten to work together in the kitchen. We've both been forced to clean the house and make it look like the kid only lives in one room of the house instead of having toys in every nook and cranny. We've been looking for healthy ways to make some of our favorite dishes. Our son has been excited to share his toys with friends that come over. We've gotten to play board games that have been hiding for years.
On top of that, we've been invited over to people's homes too and been able to sample some truly delicious meals. The one we had last night was restaurant quality Mexican food and I'm dreaming about it still today.
Our assignment at SHAPE has really helped reshape the way we socialize with new people and friends and has been a blessing to our family. I can honestly say, when we go back to the states, we'll be doing a lot less going out and a lot more having people over.

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