Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer in Belgium, 2012

This summer has not been much of a summer. We have had nothing but rain, rain and more rain. On the days that we do get some sunshine (some) it ends up raining. My least favorite thing about this weather pattern, is that it seems to rain all day long, and at 8:00 after my son is in bed, the skies clear and the sun comes out. I love Belgium, but I'm beginning to feel a bit moldy.
We have had a few nice days, where the sun has been out all day and there is a small chance of getting a sunburn, I mean suntan. Those days are usually tampered by a strong breeze that keeps the temps down below 75, but I'd take more if they were offered.
Maybe late July and August will prove to be a bit more summer like. And I'm not the only one complaining, some friends that have been here over 8 years have said that this is the rainiest summer and coolest that they can remember since getting here. So, it's not just me.

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