Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Boxing Day with the Brits

My family was invited to come over for Boxing Day at one of my friend's houses. I've heard of Boxing Day, but didn't really know anything about it. I believe now, it's just an excuse to get together with friends and extend the Christmas spirit another day.
We have never, absolutely never, been anywhere with more attentive hosts! My friend and her husband, and her parents were  all over us, and everyone else, getting them drinks, refilling drinks, making us try new drinks. It was crazy. My poor husband (ha) was about 4 drinks in after an hour. After all this drinking, they opened up the food table and her father told us to "muck in."
They had homemade Cornish Pasties, pork pie, sausage rolls, trifle, christmas cake, and tons of other things. Her family is from Cornwall, so the Cornish Pasty is sort of their fame and glory and her mother's were delish! My husband was in heaven. My friend's parents were overjoyed to tell all about their part of the UK to two Americans. We have an open invitation to come to Cornwall to visit and have personal tour guides.
Boxing Day was a great time. I look forward to enjoying it again next year. Especially when I don't have to be the DD.

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