Friday, December 30, 2011

Odd, I think

Tonight  the three of us went bowling down at the SHAPE bowling alley. Now, please keep in mind that SHAPE is the headquarters of NATO, so there are 28 nations sharing space at this post. I believe that bowling must be an international past time for many nations, because there were only 3 lanes open when we left and one of them was broken.
So the odd thing is, at this international post's bowling alley, they played all American music. Well, there was one Iron Maiden song that played, and I think they're British. Other than that, it was all American and much of it was country music. Don't ask me why, but I didn't think that American country music had that broad of appeal, but it was a bowling alley. Maybe there are some staples on a jukebox that just come with the machine.
The people next to us weren't English speakers, the lanes next to them weren't either. At most, there were 20 Americans or English speakers and that was way less than half the people there.
It was just strange.
We did have a great night. With the help of bumpers and the slide, my son handily beat me in both games. Really beat me. Where's my Dad's bowling talent when I need it?

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