Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time Change

I think I've commented before about the fact that I really had no idea how much farther north we are here in Belgium than in Nebraska. The time was so strange this summer when we first got here, just before the longest day of the year. Now that the time has changed for us, I'm again astounded how much farther north Belgium is than Nebraska. Astounded.
We still have about six weeks until the shortest day of the year. (happy birthday to my sun-loving Mom...ironic) So, imagine my head spinning when the sun sets at 1730 already. We barely get home from school and it's dark. My husband is driving home when it's dark. And let me tell you, it gets DARK here in our little house in the sticks. We don't have a street light around for a quarter mile, and the light from that is obscured by all the trees down the road. In six weeks, when our day is from 0843-1639. If you don't want to do the math, that's 7 hours and 56 minutes of daylight. Again, I'm not complaining, but this stops whatever small urge I had to live in Alaska. Well, this and the horrible movie, Insomnia.


  1. OK.. I'm going to try this again.. need to follow you guys around Europe.. We are in Seattle at the present time. maybe we could Skype while here???

  2. Terry and Amy have a nice sized house, but evidently not enough room in the kitchen to bend over without hitting the magnetic toy on the fridge that immediately gives out an "Oink, Oink" OK,, OK I know it is time to get back on the diet!!
