Friday, February 3, 2012

Shut'er Down, It's Snowing in Belgium

Murphy's Law would suggest that when you make great plans, something is bound to change them. Yesterday, my friend and I had planned to take our boys to Ramstein to watch the wrestling meet and play in the big indoor playground. The reservation system was down (2nd time out of 3 that it's been down when I've called) so we couldn't get a room. $40 is much better than 80EU, so we decided to stay close to home. We made plans to go to a movie on post then have a slumber party. The boys were looking forward to it and so were we. Nope.
This evening, at about 1700 it decided to start snowing. Now, AFN said nothing about snow, it said sun. Full sun. That was not the case. It's snowed about an inch in a hour and looks like it's going strong.
If we were in Nebraska, I wouldn't mind and we'd go about our business. That is not the case here. There aren't any snow plows, especially when you live out where I do. They do have a few trucks that sand the main road closer to Mons, but that won't help me.
Snow pretty much closes down the country here. It's not that they don't get snow, but they don't seem to be prepared for it. Honestly, I don't know if they have the funds to have that many trucks or plows. Unless it melts tomorrow, and it's only suppose to be 25degrees, I'm guessing that my son and I won't be doing too much this weekend. Looks like we might have a very white weekend at home.

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