Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall Is In The are the spiders

Today it isn't raining and isn't windy, so I decided to mow the lawn then take the dog we're sitting out for a walk. All the time I was outside I thought I was seeing things floating in the air. Now, I hate to think this way, but I have to admit that I'm getting older, so I just assume that they're little floaters. Or dust in the air, or more than likely, pieces of floating electric poo being slung around the countryside. Whatever, ya know, gross, getting older, poo particles, everything feels better after a shower, so I didn't put too much thought into it.
When we were out walking though, I noticed that the dog was taking an interest in the floaters too, so that rules out that it's just me. *whew*  She even snapped at a few of them. But it's such a beautiful day, it's no big deal. Until one of the bigger floaters comes right past my nose and I finally see that they are spiders. There are spiders floating all over Belgium, or at least my part of Belgium, today. The weather must be just right for the egg sacs to pop and the bigger ones to go see far off places, so they're catching a nice breeze and floating off on new adventures. EEEW.
I'm not a fan of the spiders, really. I'm not phobic, but I don't care for them and they're all over here, especially in my house. We don't have screens on the windows (don't ask me why not) and there are small gaps under the doors and I do have a very small, icky cellar, so I have spiders. Usually the spindly legged ones, but they're everywhere and I can't keep up killing them. But now they're floating on the air?!? Yes, I remember Charlotte's Web and know that spiders travel this way, but I can look outside and tell that some of the spots floating in the air now are spiders. Yuck. It's a never ending battle.

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