Thursday, September 29, 2011

Autumn in Belgium

The leaves are starting to turn colors here in Belgium and green is giving way to yellows and oranges. Autumn here also means fog in the mornings, apparently. We have had to adjust our time to leave for school by several minutes because the fog is pretty thick. Yesterday, though, it gave way to a beautiful photo opportunity. The sun was up and glowing yellow through the mist, the cows were in the pasture and the fog was settled close to the ground, just beautiful. My neighbor, a fellow American, was out snapping pictures. If she gets them uploaded, I'll add them here.
The other great thing about autumn is the pheasants are out and about. We have some wooded chateau grounds across the street from the house and the pheasants are always talking over there. Yesterday and today we've been slowed down by a huge family of pheasants walking down the road. Right down the center, pretty as you please, just like a good Belgian family. No hurry and no rush to the side of the road. We've been seeing a male for the past few weeks, but this week all the hens are out and their young brood. They are such gorgeous birds to watch, especially when they do decide to glide away from danger. (which takes a lot of encouragement, believe me)
Our house is out in the sticks, we are not close to anywhere that sells diet coke, but it is beautiful out here. My forever house just might need to be in the country somewhere. Maybe just a little closer to diet coke, though.

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