Sunday, January 15, 2012

Birthday Party

My son went to his first birthday party today since we've been in Belgium. The party was at ImagiPark, which was a pretty cool place all on its own. The people at the party made it even better.
Since my son goes to the Belgian Kindergarten on SHAPE, his class is made up of kids from all over the NATO area. The little boy today has American parents, though his mother is Japanese born. The other classmates and some friends from his father's work, made the party very eclectic. One of my son's buddies from France was there and another from Italy. There were also kids from Germany and Romania there. It amazes me that all these other parents speak passable English. I've got enough French to ask for a dozen or two eggs from the woman down the road, a beer at the bar and where the bathroom is. I can also tell you if a person is running, swimming, eating, cooking or drinking. That's all I've got! These parents are apologizing up and down because their English isn't good and they're doing great! Am I embarrassed that I don't know more? Yes, yes I am.
Anyway, the party was a great time. For 9EU per child, they were able to play in this huge indoor park for hours, have cake and refreshments AND things were set up and taken down for you. I might be seeing another party there in the future, say 2 months from now....
I'm also looking forward to talking to these parents again, they were so friendly and had so many questions about the States and I had questions about their countries. It was just a great afternoon. So many nice people and my child just completely zonked out at bedtime tonight. aaahhhh, what a nice Sunday!

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