Sunday, October 2, 2011


So, after the high of last weekend's Oktoberfest, we thought we'd try a local festival with some friends. We all piled into the vehicle and took off. How fabulous that this pumpkin festival was only 40 minutes away! Perfect day, perfect weather, our son has a buddy to play with and we need carving pumpkins. Fabulous.
The festival was in a tiny town, smaller than my little hamlet, so we're figuring that it will be so quaint. The GPS has us going through past the town then on a teeny, tiny, one lane Roman road.  Ok, not bad, we're seeing some cars and one is trying to run us off the road. Hey, it's Belgium, we deal with this every day. Finally, we see where the festival is. No, we see where the people are, it's not really a festival, it's more of an old farm that grew some gourds and unique pumpkins that we've never seen before.
Hey, something new, lets check it out. The whole thing was in this little courtyard of a farm, complete with old stalls. One stall holds the donkeys that some vendors brought along so we can see where they get the donkey milk from for their soaps and shampoos. (yes, donkey milk) One larger stall is holding a creepy puppet show. Not creepy because we can't understand a word of it, but the puppets were really creepy. To the adults and children, both. (sensitive Americans)
So, we went out there thinking that we'd have a beer and some dinner. They had beer, of course, it's Belgium. They had pumpkin soup and a cold pumpkin sausage. We tried it all, but it wasn't really anything to fill up on. Well, other than the beer, but, eh.
Wait, there's some jugglers in interesting costumes and one of them speaks really good English. The kids liked that. And then the seductive Spanish music starts playing. Odd, choice of music. It's for the equestrian show...sort of a trick rider show, but really slow moving...because of the odd seductive Spanish music.
My friend and I each brought home some organic, Belgian honey, donkey milk soap (watch your mailbox, Mary) and unique blue pumpkins. If the weather was lousy, my opinion of the day would only be mediocre, but the weather was perfect. We have blue pumpkins on the porch and our sneezes from the straw dust have subsided. The day was great.
Did I mention we think it was a hippie commune due to the large numbers of workers in bare feet and facial hair?

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