Saturday, October 15, 2011

Absolutely Beautiful

We woke up today to an absolutely beautiful morning. There was frost in the grass, you could see Marie's breath as she ate and we had a rooster pheasant on the top step of the patio. We tried to get photos, but he was very skittish. Oh yeah, and the sun was out!
Another sunny day in Belgium, it's 3 in a row now and the weather is in the high 50s. Almost perfect for Homecoming Weekend. The Spartans are hosting AF North and if they win, they are in the playoffs. They are currently 1-3, having only one a game to a Brussels club team. The frost has dried off and the weather will only get warmer as the afternoon goes along.
Something fabulous that SHAPE has going on today, to coincide with Homecoming, is the Fall Bazaar. The bazaar is the biggest fundraiser for the PTSA, Parent Teacher Student Association. It was wonderful, I did a little shopping while the boys were at the football breakfast. There were many artisans from Belgium, but we also had people from all over the NATO area; Turkish rugs, wool products from the UK, cheese and jewelry from The Netherlands, gorgeous hand painted glass ornaments, painted leather goods, and many, many other desirable things.
I might just have to drag my husband (scary) to check out some of the products, since I really didn't get him anything. He can share my gluhwien tonight and use one of the NATO flag wine charms I purchased. The strangest thing I did see, and this is the second time and a different seller, were donkey's milk soaps and lotions. The Mongols milk their horses, so donkeys make sense, but its just different enough to be odd for me. Goat's milk, heard of it, donkey's milk, nope.
Now, the sun is out, my son is sleeping soundly, so I need to take advantage of those two things and go read my book on the patio.

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