Thursday, October 13, 2011

Time is Relative

*sigh* I'm currently stuck at home on this beautiful, sunny, unseasonably warm October day waiting for the landlord and the "plumber" to come and look at our furnace. Now, I was lucky that they could come today, I just stopped in to housing today. So, that's something. However, I hate being given a wide open window of time that is probably not going to work for them. They can come, "in the afternoon." Well, I have to pick up my son, I have a scholarship committee meeting and have guests coming over this evening and need to prepare all "this afternoon." Oh, and I'm missing my workout also because of the wide open window of time.
If they do come today, which is a big if, it might be 1700, still the afternoon here in Belgium. I am lucky that my son can go to nursery care after school and I'm not an essential member of the committee this month. I can prepare for guests while I'm waiting for the landlord and the "plumber." Missing my workout makes me sad, but since I was cleaning like a mad woman for several hours, I'm sure I burned some calories.
The real problem is this: I don't like having my time wasted. I like knowing when someone is coming and I'd prefer it to be within a 10 minute window. This happens to be a problem when we're in the states too, I hate being given that, "Anytime between 8 and noon" crap. It drives me crazy, BUT I know that they'll be there. In Belgium, today in the afternoon might just mean next week and I won't be a phone call to let me know anything. They just won't show. The culture, which we were told about by a Belgian, is just very laid back. Life needs to be lived and work, sometimes, gets in the way. *deep breath*

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