Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Time, it is a Changing

When we first got here in June, the sun was still up and bright at 11:00pm. We were so confused and our internal clocks were off for a bit, but the lovely black-out curtains in the lodge were very helpful. The first thing we bought for the house were dark curtains for our son's room. There was no way he could sleep when it was so light outside. Light equals awake for him, at least in the evening. His mornings don't seem to matter if there's sun or not.
Now, however, the daylight lessening. Quickly lessening. It is now 7:24am and it is still pitch black outside. The sun might be coming up, but we can't see it because of all the trees on the chateau grounds. It is made darker by the grey clouds we have this morning too.
We were told that in the dead of winter, my mother's birthday, it won't be light outside until way past 9:00am and dark by 4:00pm. UGH. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for that change, coming soon with stupid daylight savings time. I've stocked up on vitamins B12 and D to help me cope with the lack of sunlight. I don't want to be Wendy Whiner, but I've never been a fan of winter or lack of sunlight and it's been ingrained in my by my mom. Daylight and sun are good things. My body almost goes into hibernation mode when they aren't present.
I can totally understand why all the Belgians have such lovely yards and gardens now. It's just another reason to be outside when there's light and the weather is nice. This is another reason why they're all out rambling and biking in the evenings. The Belgians are teaching us, "Take advantage of it while you have it, because winter is dark and long."
To quote one of my new favorite books, "Winter is coming."

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