Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blustery Day

I feel like Pooh in the 100 Acre Woods today, and yesterday and the day before, "It is a very blustery kind of day." The temperature has dropped and autumn is definitely here. My wind chimes, that my husband so graciously climbed the ladder and hung in the tree for me, is chiming like mad. The trees across the road in the chateau are spewing leaves like they taste bad and the sky is a lovely dove gray. (lovely being a relative term, of course)
Autumn is my favorite time of year, I love the colors of the leaves and the cooler temperatures, but I have to be Eeyore here, it is too early in the autumn to be this darn....fall like. The sky can't decide to spit or not, it's there, I can see the drops just waiting to fall. It's been cool and windy and almost rainy enough that I haven't gotten in the yard to mow in 2 weeks. The gophers/moles/varmits are having a heck of a time out there since the grass is so long that I can't see the smaller hills they've created. The mushrooms have sprouted their own little forest and are really taking off. Next, I expect to see garden gnomes building little houses in amongst the crazy bushes and out of control lawn.
So, now I get to be Pooh again. While the temperatures have been cooler, we haven't HAD to turn on the radiators yet. Good thing since we can't figure them out. And we haven't HAD to build a fire. Good thing since our super cool fireplace is a total fail since there is no way to encourage the smoke to go up instead of out the two openings. It is mild enough that we can be comfortable in sweatshirts in the house and cozy on the couch with a blanket. Those are blessings, are they not? We are saving money, right?
Autumn is Belgium is quite Nebraska-like, so now I'm waiting for those perfect Nebraska-in-Autumn sunny skies to shine on us. It'll come, I have faith.

1 comment:

  1. very well written Danika.. I'm seeing instead of reading your description.
