Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Plentiful Pears

We have a very prolific pear tree in our backyard. Pear tree. Really, pears are not my favorite fruit. Who do you know can say that pears are their favorite fruit. The texture is so iffy, it has to be just perfect or it's hard as a rock or mushy. Yuck.
For the past few weeks, we have been picking up pears by the bucket load and dumping them over the fence in the various fields next to us. Then we decided that was quite wasteful. We should do something with them. There are people who would love to have them. We just have to pick through the ones that haven't been eaten by birds, gophers, lady bugs, or aren't infested with slugs, worms and bees. Damn bees. We've all be stung now, thank you bees.
Anyway, tonight I tried my hand at making homemade pear bread. I'm not really a domestic person by nature, but I don't mind baking. If I have to mix something, it might as well be something sweet. So, after finding some good pears and being stung through my gardening gloves, I had enough to make a few loaves of pear bread. And by god, it's good! My husband even said so, yeah me! So, with the last remaining 500 or so pears that are left on the tree, I've finally found something to do with the good ones.
Warm pear bread with ice cream will only help my already failing diet, but it's tasty, and more socially appropriate to talk about than my love of the local beers.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE pears.. we'll have to come visit when the pears are in season.. and lavender goes cure the sting of the bee immediately.. I know from experience..
