Saturday, August 27, 2011

School Begins Monday

My son, who turned 3 in March, begins Belgian Kindergarten (their pre-school and kindergarten are all under the same title) on Monday. He has been out of a routine and structured learning environment since December 17th and he is a kid that thrives on structure. We went this past Friday to meet his teacher, Madame Sonia, who speaks just a little English. He'll be in a mixed language classroom, as far as his peers go, and the teacher will speak French. I have no qualms putting him into a foreign language classroom. One, its my only choice besides homeschooling, which will never happen. And two, at his age, he will soak up the language like a sponge. After three years in school here, he'll be as fluent as a French speaking student of similar age. Also, European teachers in general, are stricter than their American counterparts. School can be fun, but they are there to learn first. They have rules and are expected to follow them. Teachers aren't nervous to hold students accountable for their actions here, because the culture isn't sue happy or enabling of children. If all goes well, he'll do his two years of pre-k here, then kindergarten also. I can send him to American Kindergarten when he turns 5, but if he's doing well in the system, I see no use to switch him over. Those decisions will come in time, but for now, we are very ready for him to start his new adventure in Belgian Kindergarten.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I was searching and searching for information about Belgium so thank you so very much for your blog. I will be arriving to the SHAPE/Chievres area in Dec and will want to ut my son, who will have just turned 4 into some kind of preschool program. I noticed you chose a Belgian school---do they have any two or three morning programs or is it all day, every day? Thanks so much!
    Kristi Ramsey
